Friday 28 August 2015

Family Trip to Scotland

So last week me my mum and my dad went up to Scotland to see my dad's side of the family. We tend to go up there once or twice a year and it's nice to see everyone and visit the usual places. My family all live in and around Kirkcaldy which is about an hour north of Edinburgh. 

However this was the first year of going to Scotland in august at the time of the Edinburgh fringe festival that I actually got to see a show. Being a drama student I don't know how I have managed that! I went to see Jon Cozart who has a YouTube channel called Paint which if you have been on the internet for even a short amount of time you have probably seen his videos either After Ever After of the one that introduced me to his channel Harry Potter in 99 Seconds. His show was very good although I am a fan of his channel, but my parents who are definitely not fans even enjoyed the shows.

The rest of the week was also lovely so I thought I would share (quite) a few photos of my week. 

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