Tuesday 18 August 2015

So I had the Scan

A couple posts ago I talked about how I had found a lump in my breast and that it was diagnosed as a benign lump which is all good, however I still had to go for a scan to make sure everything was 100% ok, and as I had already blogged about my initial experience I thought I would blog this one as well.

I have never had to go for a scan before so was a bit tense and anxious for that but I knew that it was just going to be an ultra sound. However I couldn't spray any of my deodorant on before I went so I was more anxious of smelling than anything showing up. The fear of smelling was more than just my armpits, I went with my mum and as we were in the lift on the way to the breast imaging clinic my mum tells me my breath smells and then tells me that she doesn't have any chewing gum #firstworldproblems, so for the whole appointment my breath stank.

Just like the other few appointments I have had I removed my top half of clothing and was given a towel to cover myself before the doctor came in, and just like my other appointments it was very quick. The ultra sound confirmed what had already been told to me.

However what I did learn is that another name for the fibroadenoma is breast mouse/mice which is a very odd picture to imagine when you are lying on a hospital bed with someone scanning your breasts.

Going through this whole experience has really helped me to understand the whole process a lot more and has made me a lot calmer about finding any lumps in the future.

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