Sunday 1 January 2017

Another New Year

Its been so long that I probably need to introduce myself how many times have I typed that phrase - whoops!

I thought about doing a post like I have done the last two years - looking back on the resolutions I made the year before and how well they did. I don't need to look back to last years post and realise that I failed each and every single one of them! I didn't reach my book target my fitness fluctuated a lot, it was a bit of a roller coaster but has ended up the same as a year ago and I made even less posts than before.

So this year I have decided that I will make no resolutions I don't want to hold myself up to an image of myself that there's no way that I'm going to realistically achieve them. It will just lead to disappointment when 2018 roles around and I didn't do anything.

Instead I'm going to see what happens, 2016 wasn't the best for the world (as everyone knows). However it wasn't really the best for me personally. Although I graduated university with a 2:1 which I am very proud of, that was really the only success. I still don't know what to do with my life, I don't have a partner on my arm and really don't have much to show for my 21 years.

But enough doom and gloom let's see what 2017 brings and hope the world reaches 2018 without any more earth shattering events I'm looking at you America (and also Britain)!

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