Saturday 14 January 2017

Movie A Day: Week One

this weeks going to include an extra day as this idea came to me last Friday I thought I would include that day as well.

I thought I should mention now that I'm likely to watch more than one film a day. I did say I procrastinate A LOT)

Friday 06/01/17
  • The Matrix - I was way to young when this movie came out in 1999 to watch it put i don't know why I didn't get round to it sooner. It's exactly my kind of film, I'm a complete sucker for a sci-fi. Such a a good film to start this off with. 
  • Hannah Montana The Movie - I didn't say they would all be works of cinematic excellence. I have no idea why I watched this film because it was really a load of rubbish but it was SO gooooddd. If you want to watch a trashy film which you can get sucked into this is perfect. 
Saturday 07/01/17
  • Eddie the Eagle - I wanted to see this one at the cinema but never got round to it. It was such a heartwarming piece of British cinema with just enough drama to keep you watching. The acting was beautiful and the writing really made you love the characters. 
Sunday 08/01/17
  • The Purge: Anarchy - The sexual to the purge which I watch a while ago now. Boy was this more tense than the original. Anarchy unlike the first is about people who have found themselves on the street during the annual purge and you honestly cannot guess what will happen. Such a brilliant idea for a film, but terrible idea for a government. 
Monday 09/01/17
  • Rise of the Guardians - I needed something a little less intense than the purge. It wasn't the best movie but then again I don't think I'm really the target age. It was a cute film that I would show my kids if I had them. I did however thoroughly enjoy the elves and the yeti. 
Tuesday 10/01/17
  • Cloverfield - I had managed to not find out anything about this film apart from it all being found footage Blair witch style. It had everything I wanted from a disaster film. Although a lot of it was very far fetched, saying that there was a Godzilla sized monster destroying Manhattan. 
Wednesday 11/01/17 
  • The Lion King: 1 1/2 - for a long time people had been telling me that the sequels to the lion king were actually good unlike others - i'm looking at you Pocahontas. It wasn't as good as the original the quality was severely lacking in comparison but it was never going to. From what I know it was a straight to video kind of thing. Saying that thought it was really sweet, instead of trying to follow the story it went through the time line if the lion king but in timings eyes if you like the lion king watch this. 
Thursday 12/01/17
  • The colony - I actually wanted to watch a light hearted film but found myself clicking on this purely because I saw Emma Watson was in it. Set in the Cold War in Chile all about escaping a weird ass colony which I learnt in the credits was a real place! It was dark and intense until the end, nothing like I've seen Emma Watson do before.
Friday 13/01/17
  • A Monster Calls - I read the book a few years ago on the recommendation of my uncle purely because of the beautiful illustrations. When I learnt it was going to be a film I was incredibly curious. I was not disappointed, the story is so strong that it would be hard for them to fail. It was such a beautiful movie to watch but take a pack of tissues. 

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