Thursday 29 September 2016

The Job Search

The honeymoon is over, I need to find a job. It's September the time people are starting to go back to university and I'm sat at home as a graduate.

I've been putting off this whole thing and making excuses to why I haven't been looking. It needs to stop. There's a theme on this blog of me needing to get my arse in gear. What I'm finding hard is that I'm trained for absolutely nothing. The degree I chose is what I want to do in the future I dream of being on stage night after night. However that's not going to happen without a lot of blood sweat and tears. While I work on that though I need an income.

So this week I have started. And it is frustrating! just for a simple retail job you have to go through pages and pages of applications until you can submit! What i find the hardest is making it seem that I want every job I apply to even if that's furthest from the truth,.

Let's hope something turns up soon.

Kate xx

Monday 26 September 2016

Losing weight

So I must mention eating and getting healthy or losing weight in every other post. It certainly feels that way to me. However it is something that is always on my mind. I've never been very body confident - I suppose that's not uncommon with a lot of people. I remember being 11 or 12 and feeling chubby in clothes that I was wearing, that's not right is it!?!? I look back at photos now and think that I must have been crazy to think I was fat certainly compared to how I am feeling now.

Currently I am a size 14. Over the past year and a bit I have put on over a stone and if I carry on the way I am going then the weight is just going to carry on piling on, so I need to stop and change now. I have gone through waves of eating healthy and losing the chub but I always fail a few weeks in! Every time I say that I'll stick with it and I tell everyone I'm working out and trying to lose some chub in the hope that them knowing will stop me from failing, but alas this is not the case

So today, the day this is published is a fresh start, I've bought the fruit I have the mindset (again) to workout let's hope that this time it works.

I want to play around with some ideas for my "journey" how freaking cliché 😂  Maybe I'll take a photo everyday to see if anything happens. Maybe I'll film a few workouts and see if i improve. However we all know that it will be a miracle if any of these things happen, all we can do is hold our breath.

Kate x

Sunday 25 September 2016


I started writing this a good month ago and have only just got round to finishing it. This is what I mean when I say I put things off and have zero motivation. I want to blog but I never end up writing anything.

I would like to think of myself as a creative person. I studied a degree in a pretty creative area. However however I have been feeling incredibly uncreative (is that even a word). I don't really know what the cause for this is maybe it's a motivation thing or maybe it's just that I don't believe in myself that much.

However for a while now I have wanted to get my brain in gear, like I have said before. Whether that is just to write a few more blog posts or start to draw a little bit. I even have had ideas for little stories (whether they will ever transform into anything readable I don't know).

I have a problem though because this creativity always hits me in the middle of the night when I am cuddling up in bed about to drop off to sleep. That's exactly what happened with this blog post. And before I would just go to sleep and tell myself I will act on it in the morning, then morning comes and guess what I have completely forgotten what the hell my idea was. So today I have forced myself to at least write a draft of this post before I sleep. I can then sort the mess that this post is in the morning.

Here's hoping that the creativity keeps on coming more and more.

Kate x

Monday 1 August 2016

It's Been A While!

Hello if anyone is still out there

So it has been quite a while since I last put up a blog post, to which I apologise profusely for. It's been about 7 months since my last post. I didn't realise it had been that long till I just worked it out. WOW! It's something that I always meant to do but kept putting it off because I had a dissertation to write or I had my final university assignments left to do. Then after uni I thought about all the posts I should do. I turned 21, I went on holiday, I got my degree results (I got a 2:1 in my degree thought I should let you know), I bought a lot of things I could do hauls for. I have even thought about vlogging but just haven't been able to actually do it.

I feel like I have built it up into this massive thing and I just need to put something out there to get passed this block that I have had.

I'm going to try and not put myself in s box of what kind of posts that I will put on hear and I don't want to have a schedule right now (maybe in the future).

Just expect a fun filled ride, so buckle up and enjoy.

Kate x

Thursday 25 February 2016

I uploaded a video!

I did it, I have put a video on youtube.

It's nothing much just a little monologue I had to film for my acting for media module but I thought it wouldn't hurt to put it out into the world for whoever to watch!

It isn't the actual one I used for class as that was filmed portrait and no one should be subjected to portrait videos on YouTube no one!

Excuse the really poor quality it was filmed on my laptop!

Anyway I hope you enjoy it.

Also sorry I haven't posted in a little while.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

The New Year

So it's the new year, which means new resolutions. I am definitely someone who sets resolutions, I think it is a great time to make a fresh start. I wish I had written down my resolutions last year so I could look back at them and see if I had achieved them, so that's what I am going to do this time.

[EDIT: I realise that I did indeed write a blog post last year on resolutions, you can read that here!]

First off I am going to continue on with the only resolutions I remember from last year and that was to carry on reading a lot. Last year I set a goal to read 25 books in the year and a few days before New Years I achieved it. If you want to know what I read in the year I've made two blog posts on them (Part 1 here and Part 2 here). This year I have lowered my goal this year to 20 as with finishing university I don't really know what I will be doing after May.

My Second resolution which is not going to be to much of a surprise as it is probably most peoples resolutions. That is I want to be fitter, healthier and thinner. Last year I got a lot better. I've started doing an exercise DVD and I did lose a bit of weight, but then I went on holiday and put it all back on again! So this year I am going to really stick with it. I've been doing well with the exercise, I just need to get better at not eating chocolate. I want to feel comfortable for my 21st birthday in April, so I have four months to get healthier!

The third aim for the year is to blog more. I really want to put my everything into the blog, I really enjoy making posts. I also want to vary what I post, whether that be photo posts from days out, beauty/lifestyle related posts or just thoughts and opinions I have on things. I don't want to pin my self down to a schedule as I never and I mean never stick to schedules.

My fourth resolution is to make sure I find a job after I finish Uni, I really want to save up enough money to be able to move out of my parents house and live by myself. However I don't want to be stuck in a job that I don't really enjoy.

EDIT: I have thought of a couple little resolutions that I want to make:

  1. I want to take a small video every day, so I can look back on my year as a whole, I am using the app 1 Second Everyday for that and I am really liking it at the moment.
  2. Another little resolution I want to make is to keep a diary - not a journal kind of diary but a diary where you keep important dates and times. I find my self getting less and less organised as the term/year goes on and I really want to change that.
  3. I also want to regularly buy flowers for my room as they make my room that little bit prettier and put together.

So those are my four resolutions for the next year, let's see if I stick to it.

I'd be really interested to know what your resolutions are!