Monday 1 August 2016

It's Been A While!

Hello if anyone is still out there

So it has been quite a while since I last put up a blog post, to which I apologise profusely for. It's been about 7 months since my last post. I didn't realise it had been that long till I just worked it out. WOW! It's something that I always meant to do but kept putting it off because I had a dissertation to write or I had my final university assignments left to do. Then after uni I thought about all the posts I should do. I turned 21, I went on holiday, I got my degree results (I got a 2:1 in my degree thought I should let you know), I bought a lot of things I could do hauls for. I have even thought about vlogging but just haven't been able to actually do it.

I feel like I have built it up into this massive thing and I just need to put something out there to get passed this block that I have had.

I'm going to try and not put myself in s box of what kind of posts that I will put on hear and I don't want to have a schedule right now (maybe in the future).

Just expect a fun filled ride, so buckle up and enjoy.

Kate x

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