Monday 26 September 2016

Losing weight

So I must mention eating and getting healthy or losing weight in every other post. It certainly feels that way to me. However it is something that is always on my mind. I've never been very body confident - I suppose that's not uncommon with a lot of people. I remember being 11 or 12 and feeling chubby in clothes that I was wearing, that's not right is it!?!? I look back at photos now and think that I must have been crazy to think I was fat certainly compared to how I am feeling now.

Currently I am a size 14. Over the past year and a bit I have put on over a stone and if I carry on the way I am going then the weight is just going to carry on piling on, so I need to stop and change now. I have gone through waves of eating healthy and losing the chub but I always fail a few weeks in! Every time I say that I'll stick with it and I tell everyone I'm working out and trying to lose some chub in the hope that them knowing will stop me from failing, but alas this is not the case

So today, the day this is published is a fresh start, I've bought the fruit I have the mindset (again) to workout let's hope that this time it works.

I want to play around with some ideas for my "journey" how freaking cliché 😂  Maybe I'll take a photo everyday to see if anything happens. Maybe I'll film a few workouts and see if i improve. However we all know that it will be a miracle if any of these things happen, all we can do is hold our breath.

Kate x

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