Friday 1 May 2015

Turning 20!!!

So last Saturday I turned 20, I am no longer a teenager.

It's strange how birthdays change as you grow up. Yet in a way they are still the same. I can still get incredibly excited in the lead up to the day and I bug everybody in the days leading up to the big day. I still get just as excited over the presents (who wouldn't hey?)

However the day itself for me now is more about being with friends and family. Before I would want to go out somewhere really fun like the zoo or a theme park, now I find it just as fun to just go for a meal and have a chilled day - although I wouldn't say no to an offer of the zoo!

The presents themselves have also changed. If you told my 10 year old self that for one of my 20th birthday presents I would get a lamp and that it would be really exciting, little me would have been on the floor laughing at my excitement and saying that she would never be so sad. (I am sure there are people my own age thinking how sad I am, but it really is a cool lamp.)

Anyway I am really looking forward to this new era of my life, where I am no longer a teenager or child and can move on with my career and look forward to all the new things that happen to as an adult!

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