Wednesday 6 May 2015

Top 5 Favourite Apps

Like most people these days I am glued to my phone, and because of this there are a few apps that I am constantly checking.


The first one has got to be YouTube it is the first thing I check when I wake up and the last think I look at before I go to sleep. Everyone knows about YouTube and if you have managed to find this blog post but don't know about YouTube then I don't know how you have managed that!!!!


So I got a fitbit for my 20th birthday, mainly I didn't really know what I wanted from my parents but I am also slowly getting more and more interested in my fitness and the idea of a run doesn't give shivers down my spine. The app along with the band measures your steps and also the quality of your sleep. I know that a phone can do pretty much everything that this fitbit can do but I never really have my phone in my pocket and i don't trust what it says when my phone has been in my bag. I should say that if you don't have a fitbit then you can't use the app, but if you are in the market for a new watch or any fitness gadgets then you should consider getting a fitbit.


Another app that pretty much everyone with a smartphone uses so there is no need to describe it. I haven't posted to much recently but I do like to scroll through my feed and spy on what people are up to and do a bit of celebrity spying.


This one is for the university students mainly. Its an app where you can anonymously say things and then people vote whether they like it or not. I say it is mainly for university students because in Lincoln (which is where I study) every post is about the university in some way. I love it for the same reason why I like twitter it wastes time when you are waiting around, and it can sometimes have some funny posts.


The last app that I have been loving is Timehop. Although i truly hate the Kate of 5 years ago as she isn't half embarrassing it is really enjoyable to see what you were doing all those years ago. Although it can be a little scary just how quickly time flies!

I want to know what are your favourite apps at the moment? Leave a comment down below to give me some new apps to try out :)

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