Sunday 10 May 2015

All Nighters

This one is for the all the university students now that it is deadline season!

Tomorrow is deadline day for two of my assignments the other is on Friday. I have already submitted one but I have been putting off this essay for about a month now, I have about 24 hours to write a thousand words that make sense, so I have taken to do an all nighter till it is complete then i can sleep and proof read tomorrow and finish off the assignment due on Friday.

So i though i would blog my experience of an all nighter (although it isn't my first)

The time is 23:23 (24 hours and 7 minutes till deadline)

I am pumped full of energy drink (relentless - my fav) and listening to a playlist of music (currently playing the way you look tonight - mouse rat from Parks and Recreation) I have done 754/2000 words and am feeling quite good about getting this done by a reasonable hour - this could all change quite quickly.

The time is now 00:35 (22 hours and 55 minutes till deadline) 

I have opened a box of chocolates to snack on!

Word Count - 1043/2000
At my university and I am sure many others you are allowed 10% either side of your word limit so really I have about 1043/1800 words which is a much nicer number to look at. As that means I only have 757 words left instead of 957 words :L I am still listening to music and it still from Mouse Rat on Parks and Recreation (if you have never seen Parks and Rec you really should it is bloody brilliant. I am also not feeling too tired, thank you energy drink!!!

The time is now 2:30 (21 hours until deadline)

I am losing the will to live

Word Count: 1233/2000
It has got to the stage in an all nigher when I start to flag in the last two hours I have written 200 words :(. I got distracted by taking the life in Britain tests to see if I would be able to pass, safe to say I passed with flying colours (good thing to as I was born here!). I have also stopped listening to music as my headphones were starting to hurt! Maybe that's why I haven't been as productive. However I am still not that tired :).

The time is now 4:30 (19 hours until deadline)

It is done!

Word Count: 1819/2000
So I would ideally like to be higher into the world count but my aim for tonight was to hit 1800 and then go to sleep so I can rest up and then tomorrow it is then time to proof read and finally submit! Then its time to start my final assignment for Friday. In terms of tiredness I can truly say I feel ready for bed, thank you energy drink for keeping me awake. Coffee it is your turn in the morning :)

So if you have been reading for this long then thank you and I hope it made sense as I don't feel like proof reading this as well. 

Have you ever pulled an all nighter?

 Edit: The time is now 2pm and I have submitted the essay YAYAY!!

The final word count was 1988

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Top 5 Favourite Apps

Like most people these days I am glued to my phone, and because of this there are a few apps that I am constantly checking.


The first one has got to be YouTube it is the first thing I check when I wake up and the last think I look at before I go to sleep. Everyone knows about YouTube and if you have managed to find this blog post but don't know about YouTube then I don't know how you have managed that!!!!


So I got a fitbit for my 20th birthday, mainly I didn't really know what I wanted from my parents but I am also slowly getting more and more interested in my fitness and the idea of a run doesn't give shivers down my spine. The app along with the band measures your steps and also the quality of your sleep. I know that a phone can do pretty much everything that this fitbit can do but I never really have my phone in my pocket and i don't trust what it says when my phone has been in my bag. I should say that if you don't have a fitbit then you can't use the app, but if you are in the market for a new watch or any fitness gadgets then you should consider getting a fitbit.


Another app that pretty much everyone with a smartphone uses so there is no need to describe it. I haven't posted to much recently but I do like to scroll through my feed and spy on what people are up to and do a bit of celebrity spying.


This one is for the university students mainly. Its an app where you can anonymously say things and then people vote whether they like it or not. I say it is mainly for university students because in Lincoln (which is where I study) every post is about the university in some way. I love it for the same reason why I like twitter it wastes time when you are waiting around, and it can sometimes have some funny posts.


The last app that I have been loving is Timehop. Although i truly hate the Kate of 5 years ago as she isn't half embarrassing it is really enjoyable to see what you were doing all those years ago. Although it can be a little scary just how quickly time flies!

I want to know what are your favourite apps at the moment? Leave a comment down below to give me some new apps to try out :)

OOTN: Bank holiday night out.

Outfit of the Night.

I am  really loving stripes at the minute, I now have three that I have bought in the last couple of months, two from Topshop and one from Primark.

I went out with a group of friends on may bank holiday so I thought I would blog my Outfit of the night! I am no professional photographer so I hope these photos are clear :) 

Petite Asymmetric Bodycon Dress £24 - Topshop

Mystic Stone Studs £5 - Topshop

Clutch Bag - New Look 

Platform Ankle Boots £34.99 - Mr Shoe

Friday 1 May 2015

Turning 20!!!

So last Saturday I turned 20, I am no longer a teenager.

It's strange how birthdays change as you grow up. Yet in a way they are still the same. I can still get incredibly excited in the lead up to the day and I bug everybody in the days leading up to the big day. I still get just as excited over the presents (who wouldn't hey?)

However the day itself for me now is more about being with friends and family. Before I would want to go out somewhere really fun like the zoo or a theme park, now I find it just as fun to just go for a meal and have a chilled day - although I wouldn't say no to an offer of the zoo!

The presents themselves have also changed. If you told my 10 year old self that for one of my 20th birthday presents I would get a lamp and that it would be really exciting, little me would have been on the floor laughing at my excitement and saying that she would never be so sad. (I am sure there are people my own age thinking how sad I am, but it really is a cool lamp.)

Anyway I am really looking forward to this new era of my life, where I am no longer a teenager or child and can move on with my career and look forward to all the new things that happen to as an adult!


I am currently writing this while on a train (I wonder how I thought of this topic!) over this past term at university I was on a train back to Norwich every weekend. Not because I was homesick although it was lovely to see my family but because I went back to do a placement at my old high school. 

Now back to trains. Before the placement I haven't been on too many trains I had only been home twice on the train before and I went to London for a week but I was with a friend who knew London and their trains very well so I relied on her. I always get very anxious and nervous when getting trains I have to be at the station at least half am hour before the train leaves otherwise I'm scared something will happen and I will miss it. 

When I go back home I have to get two sometimes three trains and in January the thought of this was terrifying and I would spend the three hours on the train anxious that I was on the right train or that I was going to be late for my connection. But not once has this happened to me. 

So now as I sit on this train spread over two seats with only about 40 minutes left till I'm back in lincoln I feel really released and at ease. 

Instead of the feeling of dread I used to get a couple of months ago I now look forward to the three hours where I can just chill, listen to music and not feel guilty about not doing university work as there is no way I can be doing any of it as I have not for my laptop. 

Unfortunately this may be my last train ride for a while so I will have to knuckle down and do some work. 

P.s I will stop going on about university soon I only have 10 days left until summer :)