Thursday 23 April 2015

Procrastination update:

So last night after moaning on about how terrible I am about getting down and working, guess what I didn't do much work!

I need something that will kick me up the butt and get me to do work!

Maybe I need to write a list every morning of what I need to do that day and I can tick it off as I go.

So here goes:

  1. Plan and research for my Practitioners in Practise essay 
  2. Re-dye my hair 
  3. Finish Placement evaluation 
  4. Go to 7-9 rehearsal 
And if I don't cross them off it will be here on the World Wide Web for all to see. Hopefully this will be enough motivation TO GET WORK DONE!

Edit: 3 out 4 isn't too bad is it! It took me much longer to do the research for the first essay and all I wanted to do after my rehearsal was just to relax with my housemates and watch a bit of telly! I think I might carry on with this tomorrow but we will see if that happens.

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