Tuesday 27 October 2015


Apologies (especially to Jess) that there hasn't been a post in a while.

It is currently about halfway through the first term of my final year, and everything is getting just a little (I really mean a lot) more stressful. I have no idea how I was ever stressed in the previous two years at university.

In just a few days I have a practical assessment which is nerve racking and I have also recently changed my dissertation topic a week ago so I am quite behind on that. Send help I don't know how I will do everything.

One thing that is really helping me to de-stress is the wonderful world of Netflix. Yes I am very slow on the uptake with Netflix, but i have seen the error of my ways and have now spent the last few months binge watching programmes. How good is Orange Is The New Black by the way!?!?! I'm now watching Heros and American Horror Story, loving both of them.

Anyway I better get back to my work but I will be back soon with a post about my Halloween costume, it's going to be great!

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