Sunday 18 January 2015


It's now the second term of my second year at university, I'm over the halfway mark now and it is starting to get really nerve-racking about getting good grades in my assessments.

In the first year I was more worried about just passing, as that is all i had to do to get into the next year, the grades from my first year didn't count towards my final degree. Although I didn't do horrendously I could have done better.

The same goes for my first term in second year. I did get some really good marks where I put my all in but in other areas where my concentration slipped I didn't do as well. Last term I felt really stretched and stressed.

So this term I am determined to spread my time more equally between the three modules I am doing. And also not to think to much about the bad grades I have gotten in the past or what I need to get to get my average grade up.

Here is to a good term
Kate x

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