Tuesday 13 January 2015

New Years Resolutions!

So it's the 13th of January now, traditionally a bit late for making the next years resolutions which I never stick to anyway but this year I am determined to make myself a better person.
However with these resolutions I don't want to beat myself up over not sticking to them. But I am going to try and document my journey on here. Which brings me to the resolutions that I have made:
1) To read more - Although I read a lot of books during the holidays as soon as i get back to university I suddenly stop reading. So to help myself read more I have set myself a reading challenge to read 25 books, so far I have finished three and its only the 13th. I am also going to be commuting from uni to my home town every week which is a three hour train journey so I am hoping to get a lot of reading done then.
2) To make more posts here - I started a blog over on a wordpress blog about 5 months ago and have only written two posts, so I am making a clean start here. I am aiming for one post a week and hopefully I will stick to that, but I'm going to be more lenient with this resolution than the other two.
and finally...
3) Exercise and be healthy - This one is probably on everyone's list as I know I have wanted to do this one for years. I am determined to get healthier this year so I can feel better about myself. This is not to say I wont treat myself to chocolate every now and again ;). I saw a great bit advice somewhere saying that instead of treating yourself to a post work out snack, by a book or some new clothes.
They are my three resolutions for this year and I will most certainty post about how I am getting on with them.
Kate x

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