Wednesday 10 January 2018

Let's see what happens!

It's a new year and guess what that means I try and keep up on blogging! 

I always start the year with so many good intentions when it comes to this page but they never go anywhere. Like the last few years I wanted to do a new year post so went back and reviewed what I wrote last year only to be confronted with the following,
"I don't need to look back to last years post and realise that I failed each and every single one of them! I didn't reach my book target my fitness fluctuated a lot, it was a bit of a roller coaster but has ended up the same as a year ago and I made even less posts than before.

So this year I have decided that I will make no resolutions I don't want to hold myself up to an image of myself that there's no way that I'm going to realistically achieve them. It will just lead to disappointment when 2018 roles around and I didn't do anything."
Not writing any resolutions was in some way a success. I hit my reading target and have really thrown my self in finding new books and reading as much as possible - so much so that my Instagram is basically a Bookstagram, or is getting there. 

As well as that I lost over two stone. I'll say that again for those in the back I LOST OVER TWO STONE. TWO STONE. Sorry i'll stop that but it really was such a successful year health wise. Not only did I lose weight I got fitter I went from not being able to run for 60 seconds to being able to run 5k.

We won't talk about blogging I think that speaks for itself.

I was on a bit of blog memory lane and found this resolution that I made at the start of 2016,
"My fourth resolution is to make sure I find a job after I finish Uni, I really want to save up enough money to be able to move out of my parents house and live by myself. However I don't want to be stuck in a job that I don't really enjoy."
I kinda sucked with that one it's two years later, I have a job but it doesn't help me getting out on my own two feet, out of my parents house and I also don't really enjoy it AT ALL. I feel frustrated, I turn 23 this year the majority of my friends are either buying houses looking to buy houses or at least have a full time job and are getting somewhere. So this is the year for it to be my turn!

On a lighter note, here are some of my smaller goals;

  • I want to get the final bit of chub off I did so well last year but it started to taper off come winter which I'm not too bothered about but I still have a little way to go. 
  • I have a book target of 30 which is looking possible it's now the 10th of January and I am already onto book 3. 
  • Now onto the resolution I feel like I need to make as it's tradition I want to be creative and by creative I mean blog more. That's the real thing that has been missing from my life I spent 3 years creating something everyday to then doing nothing and I miss it. I would scrap this site and start again but I'm a little attached to the blog name and don't want to give up. 

So here's to 2018 let it be healthier bookier and creativier (I realise I just made up two words there).

Let's see what happens next.

Kate xx