Tuesday 12 January 2016

The New Year

So it's the new year, which means new resolutions. I am definitely someone who sets resolutions, I think it is a great time to make a fresh start. I wish I had written down my resolutions last year so I could look back at them and see if I had achieved them, so that's what I am going to do this time.

[EDIT: I realise that I did indeed write a blog post last year on resolutions, you can read that here!]

First off I am going to continue on with the only resolutions I remember from last year and that was to carry on reading a lot. Last year I set a goal to read 25 books in the year and a few days before New Years I achieved it. If you want to know what I read in the year I've made two blog posts on them (Part 1 here and Part 2 here). This year I have lowered my goal this year to 20 as with finishing university I don't really know what I will be doing after May.

My Second resolution which is not going to be to much of a surprise as it is probably most peoples resolutions. That is I want to be fitter, healthier and thinner. Last year I got a lot better. I've started doing an exercise DVD and I did lose a bit of weight, but then I went on holiday and put it all back on again! So this year I am going to really stick with it. I've been doing well with the exercise, I just need to get better at not eating chocolate. I want to feel comfortable for my 21st birthday in April, so I have four months to get healthier!

The third aim for the year is to blog more. I really want to put my everything into the blog, I really enjoy making posts. I also want to vary what I post, whether that be photo posts from days out, beauty/lifestyle related posts or just thoughts and opinions I have on things. I don't want to pin my self down to a schedule as I never and I mean never stick to schedules.

My fourth resolution is to make sure I find a job after I finish Uni, I really want to save up enough money to be able to move out of my parents house and live by myself. However I don't want to be stuck in a job that I don't really enjoy.

EDIT: I have thought of a couple little resolutions that I want to make:

  1. I want to take a small video every day, so I can look back on my year as a whole, I am using the app 1 Second Everyday for that and I am really liking it at the moment.
  2. Another little resolution I want to make is to keep a diary - not a journal kind of diary but a diary where you keep important dates and times. I find my self getting less and less organised as the term/year goes on and I really want to change that.
  3. I also want to regularly buy flowers for my room as they make my room that little bit prettier and put together.

So those are my four resolutions for the next year, let's see if I stick to it.

I'd be really interested to know what your resolutions are!